Have you ever wondered what truly holds you back from reaching your most ambitious goals? Have you felt the urge to unleash your mind from the chains of convention and dare to explore the unknown? Or perhaps you're seeking inspiration to turn your ideas into concrete projects?
Here you'll find the fuel for your inner fire, the tools to challenge your own limits, and the stories that demonstrate the path to success is paved with courage, perseverance, and a steadfast belief in oneself.

4 Oct 2023
In our cities, for these dates christmas and the start of a new year, it unfolds a scene moving: public servants, businessmen, and citizens of delivering gifts and to help the children in street situation. These acts, though full of good intentions, are merely palliative in front of a social reality and more...
12 Sep 2023
Mexico is at a critical point in its history. The elections of 2024 are not only is the political event where the mexicans we apasionamos as in a football game, it's also an opportunity to redefine the country. In this context, three concepts emerge with force: education, democracy...
18 Aug 2023
To be clear, what is happening in Mexico, it is the fault of ALL. If you are serious problems, but we did not get here by chance, we are the result of what we have done and we have left to do, and if, the temptation to blame someone else is inevitable, even...
14 Jul 2023
In a world that is increasingly digitised, Mexico has a unique opportunity to push an agenda of innovation and digital transformation that will have a significant impact on the quality of life of its citizens. Beyond the politics, and the fights useless in the past, it's time to focus on...
14 Jul 2023
In the difficult journey that has been the policy of mexico in the past five years, it is not strange that we are exhausted. The promises presidential eradicate corruption and build a Mexico more equitable, safer, and just seem to fade away in front of the reality, leaving us eager for justice, equity, and...
9 Jun 2023
Mexico, this teen is full of energy, possibilities, and in the middle stage of growth. Your reflection in the mirror shows him a future of responsible adult, free and independent, that it could come to be. At your fingertips, there lies an exceptional opportunity: the free market, emerging technologies, and the unstoppable...