Have you ever wondered what truly holds you back from reaching your most ambitious goals? Have you felt the urge to unleash your mind from the chains of convention and dare to explore the unknown? Or perhaps you're seeking inspiration to turn your ideas into concrete projects?
Here you'll find the fuel for your inner fire, the tools to challenge your own limits, and the stories that demonstrate the path to success is paved with courage, perseverance, and a steadfast belief in oneself.

23 Feb 2024
The austerity was the banner of the government today has for us citizens and our democracy with the foot on the neck, and in political campaigns this same false promise of austerity is repeated again and again. This apparent virtue becomes a mirage when...
4 Jan 2024
Every Monday, in cafes and offices, we hear the sighs and lamentations: “Damn Monday!”. This choir is familiar to those who count the days until the next weekend. But, what ever we stopped to think about the real value of the work in our lives, especially now that we face...
26 Dec 2023
We have been unable to resolve one of the most painful problems for our society At the intersection of the generosity and the social reality, we find a scene that is repeated always for these dates christmas in which our hearts are filled with kindness and hope. In our cities both...
21 Nov 2023
“Under capitalism, the men work for their own interest. Under socialism, working for the interests of others.” – Ayn Rand, The recent victory of Javier Milei in Argentina, with 52.5% of the vote marked a historic milestone in Latin america: the election of the first president libertarian in...
14 Nov 2023
Today, during a meeting, I asked my co-workers that please help me “cluck egg”. At the end, a companion, considerably younger than me sent me a message, wondering what it meant that cackle. His curiosity was legitimate and the question took me...
30 Oct 2023
It all began when, in the houses of the mexicans, they began to recognize the mediocrity in place of effort. When had that at the mexican-us etiquetara as untimely and poorly made, and even; but thou didst laugh about it. When you thought models worthy of admiration comedians, prostitutes, and gangsters. When...