Francisco Ruiz


Christmas the Children of the Street

26 Dec 2023

We have been unable to resolve one of the most painful problems for our society

At the intersection of the generosity and the social reality, we find a scene that is repeated always for these dates christmas in which our hearts are filled with kindness and hope. In our cities both public servants as citizens we give toys, food, and help as we can to the children and their families in the street. At first glance, it is an act of pure goodness, hope in the hard life of these little ones. But the reality is that it is just an aspirin to a cancer that eats away at our society.

In this gesture, there is a contrast that no matter how much demo we can stop hurt: on the one hand, the empathy and solidarity; on the other, the reflection of a social problem, deep and persistent. The presence of children in the streets is a sign of our failure as a society.

These children should live in a safe environment, to enjoy their childhood, attend school and have families with decent jobs. However, the reality is different, and we cannot ignore it.

The responsibility rests with both the parents and the society and, especially, in the government. The latter, funded by our tax dollars, have the duty to implement effective policies and programs that address the root causes of poverty and inequality.

Celebrate that public servants deliver toys once a year, while it is a noble act, it could divert the attention of the shares that if you have to take for the next year is not necessary that they have to go out to give alms.

Let's not celebrate with a round of applause to these symbolic acts; not romanticemos poverty. We want to see the children off the streets, and not only with toys in their hands, but with opportunities for education and a future. We want the budget that has the municipality and the government of the state is prioritized to provide joint support and subsidiary to the families to educate parents in crafts and skills, and provide a real way out of poverty. This is a call to reflection and action. As a community, we can't sit idly by at the inability of the government. We must demand and look for alternative solutions. We cannot limit ourselves to temporarily relieve the pain; we must eradicate it from the root.

Francisco Javier Ruiz Lopez, a Businessman from Aguascalientes

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