Francisco Ruiz


The Lost Dream

13 Sep 2020

The dream that is lost due to the concern of the past, present and future afflicts rich and poor alike. About for gaps and other losses.

The insomnia that haunts us without allowing us to have clarity of mind, that which compels us to pick up our phones and consume polarized posts, tweets and videos in the early morning.

Polarized and prostituted content, cries a strong side and weak on the other. Seemingly rational ours and ridiculously irrational than the other.

Anger, poverty, deprivation, ignorance robs us of sleep. The sleep that we need to sleep, but also that another an aspiration, ambition, and ideals.

¡Impotence! by the inability to be able to cherish those dreams and guilt for those who seem to many, but without reason, that we take it bravely.

¡Inability! human to get closer to our aspirations more legitimate

I hope! poor to join the crowd that together with us, cry with case-by injustice, deslealtades and sinrazones.  

As if the competition were to convince each other, or as if it were more hands up those, or as if, even, should have any competence.

Forgotten the essence of community living, that is -approach - in all, to the well-being of each other.

The ridiculous way in which we live in times of polarization, scarcity and abundance, has led us to identify enemies where there are none and to build projects sterile where never the fruit will be.

The search is the same, the match is unanimous. Mexican, american, chinese, guatemalans, and Dutch. Chairos, Fifis, neo-liberals, catholics, and atheists. Skinny, fat, tall and chaparral. We all want more or less the same thing: Happiness, tranquility, growth, health, peace.

Our generation, defined as those living in this moment in the history of humanity, has decided to spend more time explaining the differences, drawing borders, and pointing out the errors, that, in seeking to help each other to build that dream.

Armed to the teeth with the latest tools that the technology we can provide: arremetemos, attacked, embestimos and attacked everyone who does not think like us.

Everything to prove an idea, a symbol. Foreign or borrowed, but our. Perhaps because we believe that the only way we will achieve our dreams or at least that night we dream.

Francisco Javier Ruiz Lopez, a Businessman from Aguascalientes

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