It all began when, in the houses of the mexicans, they began to recognize the mediocrity in place of effort.
When had that at the mexican-us etiquetara as untimely and poorly made, and even; but thou didst laugh about it.
When you thought models worthy of admiration comedians, prostitutes, and gangsters.
When aplaudiste the womanizer and called “feminazi” to the woman who fight for their rights.
When did you fare over to the one who drinks in excess and does not suffer from stark, the father who works two shifts.
When you despise someone because you earn less than you or because you don't have yourself color skin.
When tachaste of operator, the entrepreneur who decided to take the risk to found his company.
When the entrepreneur who, at the end of the month had no earnings, criticaste to offer salaries that you consider mediocre or hunger.
When defended the criminals that died in the war against drug trafficking only to criticize a politician, without recognizing that, although they were many, most of them already had chosen the path of crime.
When we opted for attacking the corruption in place to promote and recognize the honesty.
When you decided to insult anyone who thinks differently to you, instead of understanding that is going through a different time.
When you see someone wealthy and surmise that is due to corruption or drug trafficking.
When you appreciate more the Friday to be a day of rest on Monday, that represent work.
When ridiculizaste the dedicated scholar and calling him a “nerd” or “teto”.
When you doubt that the country can move forward without the recognition and support for the most able.
When you waited for a politician or a system of government to solve your problems.
When proclamaste that we should all be equal and have the same privileges, without considering the effort of each one.
When had that insultaran the leader of your country, calling him “asshole” or “drunk”.
When you saw the grant as a right and not as a temporary support.
When not spend time to improve as a person, professional or citizen, but what you find to commit degrading acts.
When you stole your neighbor and only thought about it to thank for that not to happen to you.
When you set an alarm to avoid that you returned to steal but not denunciaste the crime.
When you believed that it was easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man for the kingdom of heaven.
When you autodenominaste “poor but honest”.
When, without knowing the exact numbers, asumiste that large companies are less likely to pay taxes.
When you believed that being a good citizen is just a matter of going out to vote.
No. The capitalist model is not failed in Mexico; it simply never knew him.
Mexico is dominated by all monopolies can imagine, from the favor to the friend simply to be instead of who is more capable, up to the monopoly in sectors such as education, health, oil, and almost any link in a production chain.
The model that you reject is the only way to value people for what they really are.
The fear of many is not to the scarcity of wealth, but to demonstrate that they can be as prosperous and capable as the more fortunate.
This model will fear because it is easier to think out what other produce that they all contribute according to their abilities.
The problem is not Andres Manuel.
The problem is that Andrés Manuel López Obrador symbolizes: conformism and mediocrity.
The real problem is that Mexico gave up and handed over power to those who believe in rewards deserved and proclaim that the need is a right.