Francisco Ruiz


Get the Price we Had to Pay!

10 Jun 2020

It's time to pay the bill. It is time to pay the ridiculous price of that Andrés Manuel did not have the qualified majority of the Chamber of Deputies.

April 4 started campaigns in the presented only two proposals to citizenship. Only two options for mexicans:

The first, to continue with the model of government that Andrés Manuel and BRUNETTE have been imposed on us.

The second, to stop and make a “vote helpful” to win whoever was while you were not with BRUNETTE.

The utilitarianism expired on the 6th of Junebut we can't ignore the cost of not having required any political party, or any candidate, a political project other than be in opposition.

The candidates stood proud and the chest inflated by feel supported by the different sectors of society, and they, and they, with the ego that characterizes calling for the vote while engaged in the space granted to mention the many failures of AMLO, BRUNETTE, and 4T.

Ignorant and inflated political class that was not able to understand that BROWN had not come alone to occupy a historical representation in the legislature.

If today, the BRUNETTE was sitting there with the staff that gives the power of citizen support was due to the inability of them -if, of those that are sold as the saviors - to generate better conditions for the development of the mexican families

And we, the poor citizens, we had to swallow the bitter taste of these, the same that for what they had done and left to do, they were stewards of present-day Mexico, crossing one of the greatest threats to their democracy.

Willing to pay the cost of voting for them, the least worst, for those who were not able to at least articulate a project of opposition congruent to the needs of a country hungry for ideas and proposals.

And yes, this was a triumph expensive, one in which citizens agree more by fear than by conviction, not to give a qualified majority to the party in power.

Citizenship almost different to one another, the one opposite, which, by the apathy and contempt of the unique political class, in 2018 had decided to give 30 million votes cast, who today only 18 million are not considered a threat.

There is no national front anti-something, a business group or agency of civil society that can, by themselves, halt the overwhelming vote of those who believe that through their choice hurt who they ignored.

If we want to resume a path of creation, production and innovation, we must first go through a process of conciliation, reconciliation and agreements. Where all the mexicans come in the Mexico that yes we want to build.

Hardly our country will be able to tolerate more choices of these, where the triumph of the opposition is the sacrifice of citizenship, where we bring to power a makeshift candidates.

It is now time for the roll call ceases to be a field of battle to become the raw material of those who are able to do more than just campaign.

Let's stop ignoring the outraged, let us indignarnos by hollow philosophies, political-economic systems that serve only to whom she serves to polarize.

I pay for already! Let's start to build scenarios where you never have to decide between two poor options. Let's not be to maneuver or to kneel before such an uncomfortable situation.

And that will be clear to members of the opposition who are today celebrating their win: we did not vote or for your career or for your projects, but if you are in power today is because they are going to demand.

We require them to legislate so that there are conditions under which never again fit a populist, unable to ever be ignorance or poverty of the people reason to propose public policy unfeasible.

And us, let's get ready to make the spaces that require citizens capable and honest, because this country, they're not going to change nor these nor those. What we're going to change us. All of us. #OpiniónCoparmex

Francisco Javier Ruiz Lopez, a Businessman from Aguascalientes

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