Today, during a meeting, I asked my co-workers that please help me “cluck egg”. At the end, a companion, considerably younger than me sent me a message, wondering what it meant that cackle. His curiosity was legitimate and the question took me by surprise; I didn't know if it was general lack of awareness or if, perhaps, it was something that I knew to be of ranch.
I explained to him that the hens, proud of themselves, they sing of joy after laying an egg, and with that sound we call cackle. After this, I could not help but reflect on how human beings we decided to tame hens. Thousands of years ago, these beings were wild, like all animals, but humans, we decided to have a few that we provide eggs to eat. Our selection induced created hens for eggs, and chickens for fattening, to the roasted chicken. Go to pick up the eggs, it was convenient; the chicken warned us with its characteristic cackle that we could go to collect your egg.
Then, why don't we domesticated ducks instead of chickens? Duck eggs have a shell more resistant, that would better for the transportation. They have a richer flavor and a creamier texture, more vitamin B12, more iron, and omega-3. Some might argue that this is due to that a hen lays more eggs, but this has been a result of the selection of thousands of generations to achieve a greater efficiency of production, a selection that also could have been given with the ducks.
The truth is that the situation is not very different from the daily life, where there are people who achieve more than others, that are promoted faster, or that simply they do better than their peers. Why? Some cacarean your egg, and others are not. Insurance has happened to you that your work is not always the person that more work or more value it brings to the company is that the more recognition you receive. Normally, the one who does is the one who cacarea better your egg.
And don't get me wrong, this is not only the bullies are doing well. The hen is not lying to you or leaving to do his work; and is justly proud of his egg, and celebrates it, sings it, I presumed. “Lambisconas” or “lamebotas” will tell them the ducks, but the reality is that both hens as individuals, the most successful are those that, in addition to a work efficient and useful, they are able to feel proud of their effort and to celebrate it.
So, the next time you complete an important task or reach a milestone in your work, remember: there's nothing wrong with a cackle a little of your egg, because the reality is that, like the chickens, the most successful people are those that, in addition to a work efficient and useful, also feel so proud of your effort that you are able to celebrate it.